One of the oldest and most well-known stories of humanity, full of symbolism that continues to influence the culture, philosophy and even the behavior of modern societies, the myth of Adam and Eve has always intrigued me — or rather, bothered me. I always had the feeling that it did not seem to be the best way to illustrate the beginning of humanity, to inspire the meaning of our lives and, much less, to establish the relationship between men and women and between humanity and the divine.
We all know how challenging it is to live in a world full of conflict, injustice, and pain... It's natural that, at some point in our lives, we ask ourselves: Why? What's the point of it all? Faced with existential questions like these, we seek answers — or simply some kind of comfort, something that keeps us firm and optimistic about the world and the future. And I've never found it either comforting or motivating to view this unique experience we call life through the lenses of punishment, guilt, and fear.
But what if the choice were yours? Which path would you take? If you told me that you would choose safety, comfort, and abundance, I would understand—of course I would! After all, isn’t that what we all, to some extent, strive for in our lives? Still, I invite you to reflect on the most inspiring and moving stories you’ve ever heard or experienced, the ones that made your breath catch and your eyes fill with tears. I’m sure that in these stories there was overcoming, sacrifice, dedication, and learning. Because, deep down, the value of achievement lies less in the end and more in the legacy of an entire journey of construction and evolution.
She could have chosen the safest and most predictable path, but she chose the challenging mission of living a life to the fullest. Only a conscience driven by a sense of mission and purpose, like Eva's, could see life as it really is: not as a punishment, but as an opportunity for transformation. By not fearing the unknown and committing to a journey of creation and evolution of herself and the world, Eva symbolizes what is most essential in Muese's DNA: strength, courage and a free spirit, questioning the status quo and committed to a life of purpose, legacy and the search for wisdom.
Much more inspiring is the story that drives us towards self-knowledge and evolution. Therefore, Eva, the original muse of the Muese universe, and all the women who, throughout history, have influenced humanity and paved the way with their intelligence, courage, strength, resilience and determination in the pursuit of their goals and ideals... come to me.